Is there a single reason you're being singled out at work?

Are you one of many Florida workers suffering stress because of the way people at work treat you? If you survey workers throughout the state (the nation, even) you likely would find no shortage of stories involving various types of discriminatory behaviors in the workplace. Determining whether your particular situation (as uncomfortable as it may be) is also a legal problem can be challenging. There specific laws governing workplace discrimination, most of which have something to do with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In order to consider particular treatment unlawful, it must meet the legal definition of discrimination in the workplace; typically, the official definition involves behavior enacted against someone because of a specific characteristic, or against someone in a protected category. Which is which, and who is who? How do you know if the problems you're having at work fall under the law's interpretation of workplace discrimination? The following list includes signs that you may notice at work that are often signals that discrimination is taking place:
  • If the environment in which you work has become hostile, it may have something to do with discrimination. For instance, if there are signs or posters in your work area that are directly offensive or aggressive toward you in some way, you may want to consider filing an official complaint.
  • If you are of a particular race, gender or ethnicity, and believe that your boss keeps you in subordinate positions and overlooks you when it comes to opportunities for advancement because of one or more of those issues, it may definitely be a sign of discrimination in your workplace.
  • If your boss denies certain training or educational opportunities to you, but not to your colleagues, you may want to further investigate the situation.
  • If you suspect your employer of unfair practices regarding compensation, hiring and firing, layoffs, assignments or benefits, you likely have several options available to officially pursue the matter.
Saying it's possible to rectify a discrimination situation may prove easier said than done. Such circumstances are often stressful beyond belief, to the point that some people would rather just quit their jobs than try to survive the process of resolving their situations. You may be one of many Florida workers, however, who understand that the only way to prevent future discrimination in the workplace is to meet each unlawful behavior head-on by bringing it to the appropriate officials' attention, which, many times, includes the court. There is no reason you must go it alone when fighting against discrimination in the workplace. There are support networks available to help you; all you have to do is reach out to the ones that best suit your needs and ultimate workplace goals.

Reid Burman Lebedeker

Reid Burman Lebedeker Xenick Pepin
250 South Australian Ave
Suite 602
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-659-7700
Fax: 561-659-6377